Henry Miller

From a business standpoint from a business perspective, the market that is social media has been identified as considered to be one of the most lucrative markets. Naturally, this market is crowded with major companies, but the rapid technological advancement is constantly creating new opportunities to develop new concepts.

The first social media website dates back to the 1970s, in the time when University of Illinois has developed the PLATO System. It had various features like bulletin boards, online forums instant messaging, and numerous other features.

In 2019, and we've got thousands of social media platforms to pick from (with important leaders such as Facebook and Twitter). Based on App Annie's The Social Media Network 2019 Statistics, the statistics for social media platforms 2019 reveal the following top performers across different countries: When creating social media, it's important to realize that having a mobile app is essential for an effective project. When we speak about costs, you must remember that the majority of time and expense is related with the front end (what happens behind the scenes and helps make the app or web project run).

App development for social networks can be developed by starting from scratch or as an addition to the existing web-based version. We at The APP Solutions, we can use either method as we've had experience in developing at every project phase of its life.

Take a look at the infographic below to learn the cost of the development of social media apps costs (basic functionality and only one platform - Android (or iOS):

How to Create a Social Media App

1. Connecting to existing social media platforms

The less steps that separate the user from full-on interaction with the app, the more convenient. Users have already entered their personal information in a plethora of social media applications and there's no reason to make them repeat the process. It's better to narrow the process of getting to the new experience by limiting it to just one button "Connect with" or "Login using" one of the apps currently in use.

2. Possibilities to express yourself

Everyone wants to feel special and demonstrate to the world that he is creative and unique, as well as out of the box the person he. Social media apps should have certain features that will assist in this, such as customizing background images, profile pictures and nicknames, for example.

3. The process of creating an online network

Every social media is beneficial for users only if there are interesting individuals. So, social media app developers must work on the best algorithm for friends graphs and the system that allows users you invite friends in one click.

4. The newsfeed can be arranged

Nearly every social media platform requires news feeds. Content is the most important thing and it's rightfully so. Users create a huge amount of information themselves, including check-ins and statuses, videos, photos, and audio. In addition they share other people's content. This allows users to voice their opinion and assert their opinions (which is among the advantages of social media: you have the ability to be heard.)

When we begin to design an app that is social media-related to be compatible with Android and iOS We consider this and provide the best way to arrange the feed of news which best suits the requirements of the app's social media features.

Newsfeed for All Square Portfolio app project by The App Solutions]

5. Communication with services

To provide your customers with an improved user experience when they interact through the platform, you must create a method to integrate existing services into your network. In this way, users do not need to pick between a variety of services since they're already connected. In terms of third-party services we're talking about:

Networks of relationships

Networks are utilized to facilitate connections between people. There are a variety of categories such as personal networking (Facebook),

Professional networking (Linkedin) as well as the dating service (Badoo or Tinder application).

Networks for sharing media

This kind of social media provides users the chance to trade photos and videos. They include Flickr, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Vimeo, Vine, Snapchat. One distinctive characteristic is the ability to scale content. Some, for instance, allow you the possibility of releasing short videos, others permit the creation of their own channel for video.

Online reviews

Social media provide an enormous source of information which allows users to collect all the information needed to make buying decision. For instance, Yelp and Urbanspoon are built on geolocation as well as the ability to post comments and suggestions for local businesses.

Discussion forums

Forums, communities, and Q&A-services are among the earliest types that social media can use. The most recent examples of this kind are Quora, Reddit, and Digg. The fundamental premise of interaction between users is the requirement for knowledge sharing.

Social publishing platforms

This kind of social media service is related to micro-blogging and blogging platforms that allow users to write and publish text and media content. They include popular platforms such like Twitter, Medium, and Tumblr.

Bookmarking websites

StumbleUpon, Pinterest, Flipboard are platforms where the user creates a personal library. This is then followed by the other users of the group. In general, these social media focus on specific interests and provide more relevant information.

Networks based on interest

The most appealing opportunity to use social networks is the ability to connect with people who share the same passions. For instance, Last.FM is a network specifically for music enthusiasts, Goodreads is for readers of books.

It is also worth considering the possibility of integrating your application into every existing network to ensure that the posts of users within your social media application can be shared across different social media networks. This will allow users to add their friends onto your social network.

6. Private communications

Whatever thrilling the experience of engaging with other users There are always issues that must be discussed in private. Social networks should have built-in security features that allow for private communications. So, your users won't have to go to third-party sites and will instead spend more time with your app. Check out our article to understand the importance of data privacy.

You have an idea for an app, and you are aware of the fundamentals of the app. What's next? What is the best way to create an app for social media? We begin with the creation of apps directly.

It is APP Solutions is a social media app development firm which sticks to native app development. This allows us to enjoy better performance from the latest social app for Android and iOS and provides a superior UX/UI, and provides full access to the built-in features of mobile devices.

When you are working on a massive project Our social media app developers suggest starting with an MVP (minimum viable) product. MVP is a product that has an initial set of features that allows you to quickly introduce the product to the market to evaluate the concept. This method helps in launching the product quickly, while reducing time and cost. After validation is completed the process begins to finish the productby adding features, and designs, enhance UI/UX. Following this, the app is made available on the market for another round of validation and testing.

MVP Scheme Stages of Development

Five Steps of Social Media Application Development

At APP Solutions, our professional team has adopted an approach that makes the most sense from a technological and business perspective and we adhere to these crucial steps to create a successful social media application.

Step 1. Develop a plan to use social media

In this phase, we study the concept and competitive landscape and analyze the needs and draw a picture of the intended audience and identify the most important performance indicators that are to be met. This helps us find an exclusive niche when developing an app that is social media-related for mobile devices.

Step 2. Create the social network app's workflow

The design itself is comprised of many steps:


A brief outline of the future applications. They can help you evaluate the design of the project and the number of screens and how they interact.


It is among the most crucial steps in the design process since it assists the team working on development to understand the skeletal structure of social media apps. It provides a structured overview of the app as well as the experience it will provide the user.


A prototype created is a working prototype of an upcoming application. It is useful for both the user and developers with an understanding of the product. It is much simpler to modify an idea and make changes to it prior to the process of coding begins.

Design App Skins

At this point the wireframes are converted into the design of the social app. We are analyzing existing solutions, observing the latest trends, and developing UI/UX that will provide the most effective solutions.

Step 3. Development & Quality Assurance for iOS and Android

The design and development processes typically occur in tandem during the development and design phases of a mobile social media application. After the initial prototyping of the app is completed then we create its back-end by creating databases, servers APIs, and working to find the perfect storage solution.

We provide a product that is compatible with all technical requirements as well as user guidelines and platform standards. The iOS and Android engineers suggest to our customers native development of social media apps to improve the performance from the app.

(You can estimate the development costs online using the cost calculator.)

In every phase of development we offer automated and manual testing of each component of the program and their proper interaction with the program. (By by the way testing isn't just performed to ensure that the developers did not write any mistakes in their code. It is also done rather to verify the UX of the program.)

Related reading:

Case Study: Video Streaming App Proof of Concept

How to Create a Community App

Step 4. Publishing & Marketing the App

Our team of experts also manages the publishing process, develops all promotional materials, including videos, screens and a clear description of the app. This helps companies with social apps to be noticed in on the Apple Store and Google Play Market.

Additionally, there is the matter of marketing. If you have the idea of a mobile application or web-based project be aware that development costs are just part of the overall cost. It is also important to consider the basic marketing requirements and costs. The method you choose to use in advertising your app is entirely up to you however, don't start planning it after your app has been placed in the store. Be sure to keep track of your application's quantitative metrics that are crucial to your success in the world of social media.

Step 5. Maintenance & Support

Once the project has been released to the market for applications We provide our customers with any kind of support and updates implementation.

Quantitative Metrics for Social Media Application

To conduct a business analysis of a social media apps for mobile We highly suggest sticking to the metrics that allow the ability to track engagement and create actionable solutions.

They can be divided into five categories that include user, financial, sales, acquisition, and marketing. Based on the type and function of the application there will always be an array of tools. Here are some of the most important instruments:

Acquisition: CPI & CAC

Cost per Install (CPI) is determined by tracking installs of users who were influenced by advertising. CPI is calculated by dividing cost of advertising by number of applications installed.

The Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) is the total value of marketing efforts required to win clients. It is among the most important factors that determine whether the business has an effective business model. This is a sign of scaling potential.

User activation

Active users as compared to downloads. The activation parameters and actions are customized for every app.

Rate of User Retention and Churn

The degree of user retention is determined by the percentage of users who returned to the application based on the date they made the first time they visited. When the latest update is launched, it is essential to determine if the retention rate has changed. This can help determine the things that are working and what's not working in the latest version.

The churn rate indicates the percentage of users who have quit using the mobile application for social media. The lower it is the lower.

User engagement

Engagement of users is a variety of actions performed in the app. Some of them include Session Length and Interval.

The first shows the time that passed between who logged into the application and then left, while the second shows the time that passed between two sessions.


It's a quantitative proof of the demand in the market of the item. It illustrates the patterns of month-to-month increase in the number of users.

Rate of burn

The amount the mobile app consumes (burning) every month, such as the cost of servers, marketing, staff and so on. It reveals the resources that are at available to plan for growth and to raise funds.

How to Make a Social Media App

The development of apps for social media isn't an easy job. We believe that great ideas, our knowledge, and a skilled team of professional social media experts can be enough to develop an effective project that will achieve your goals for business and attract loyal customers. This is the solution for the query "How to create a social media app? ".

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